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Botswana - most peaceful 2011

The Global Peace Index for 2011 has ranked Botswana amongst the most peaceful countries in the world.

The country is ranked first (1st) in Africa, and 35th out of 153 countries in the world.

Botswana has been ranked the most peaceful nation in Africa for three consecutive years. This time around it is followed by Malawi (39th) and Ghana (42nd) in Africa.

Iceland was ranked the most peaceful nation in the world for 2011. It was followed by New Zealand and Japan.

The Institute for Economics and Peace maintains the Global Peace Index.

Civil unrest?

Globally, during 2011 there has been a lot of civil unrest in some nations; Botswana has had its own share of challenges.

At present there is a public sector strike over payment with government employees seeking a raise in remuneration. This in turn has led to unrest in public schools as these were closed albeit briefly.

The strike in Botswana has been conducted within a more civil and peaceful manner. Nonetheless, even as a rare occurrence, the strike may up-stage all the peace built over time.

Preserving peace

Peace (and harmony) has been the cornerstone of economic growth in Botswana.

Batswana should preserve this state of affairs in spite of the different views they may hold as a nation.

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