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Stay Connected with Botswana News, Phones and the Internet

Stay in touch.....

While in Botswana you can never lose touch with your loved ones.

The Botswana news, phones and internet service cover areas of the media and telecommunications in the country.

These are well established to ensure that you stay connected.


Botswana has well established and advanced phones and communications systems and services.

Telecommunications service is under the regulatory control of the Botswana Telecommunications Authority.

The phone companies....

Botswana has four phone companies that cater for the local market:

  • Botswana Telecommunications Corporation - the first phone service in Botswana provides office and residential landline phones.
  • Bemobile cellular phone network - subsidiary to Botswana Telecommunications Corporation. The network provides cellular phone network service.
  • Mascom Wireless cellular phone network - one of the first private companies to provide cellular phone service in Botswana.
  • Orange Botswana cellular phone network - another private company that provides cellular phone service in Botswana.

Internet for you...

Internet service in Botswana is well established.

Commercial internet service providers exist in every major place in the country.

All phone network services in Botswana provide internet service too.

Radio and television...

Batswana have enjoyed radio broadcasting since independence while television is fairly new in the country.

Today Botswana has a well established radio and television media that caters for the local market.

There are five radio stations in the country, four being commercial and one non-commercial.

  • Radio Botswana - the oldest radio station in Botswana. The station is state-owned.
  • RB2 - commercial radio station owned by the government.
  • YaRona FM - commercial radio station that caters for the youth audience.
  • Gabz FM- commercial radio station that plays classic music of African and western origins.
  • Duma FM - fairly new commercial radio station.

News and the print media...

The constitution of Botswana does ensure that there is free press and freedom of speech.

The print media in Botswana is robust and is renowned for its role in covering all matters irrespective to keep the public informed.

The more popular newspapers and other publications include:

  • Mmegi wa Dikgang newspaper
  • Botswana Guardian newspaper
  • Botswana Gazette newspaper
  • The Sun Botswana newspaper
  • Sunday Standard newspaper
  • Botswana Daily News newspaper
  • Kutlwano magazine
  • Botswana Government Gazette

Read more about Botswana newspapers.

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